Latest news


1. July 2004

Yay, the wait is over! You can now download Ganesha version 0.1 (previously referred to as v.1.0) from the download page! So sorry it took this long! (/me slaps himself for keeping everybody waiting)

I am now looking into moving the project over to sourceforge (or some similar service) to continue it's development. Watch this space!

1. July 2004

Hello again! I'm really sorry Ganesha hasn't been made available for download yet - I'm going to set about doing that right now! Just thought I'd post something first to prove that this site is still active! :)

23. May 2004

Hello again! I'm sorry that there haven't been any updates lately but I've been bogged down by university work. Until recently I was finishing the Ganesha project report (which shall be appearing here shortly) and since then it's been hardcore exam revision! My exams finish this coming Friday, hopefully I will be able to finally make Ganesha available for download then!